About the Authors


Wendy Fischman

Wendy Fischman joined Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1995. As a Project Director, she has studied the meaning of education and work in the lives of young children, adolescents, and novice professionals. Wendy has written about education and human development in several scholarly and popular articles, and co-developed The Good Work Toolkit, a curriculum for teachers and students to discuss issues of excellence, ethics, and engagement. With Howard Gardner, she led a large-scale national study of higher education across ten different campuses. She is the lead author of Making Good: How Young People Cope with Moral Dilemmas at Work (Harvard University Press) and a book about higher education, The Real World of College: What Higher Education Is and What It Can Be (MIT Press).

Howard Gardner

Howard Gardner is the Hobbs Research Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He has studied and written extensively about intelligence, creativity, leadership, and professional ethics, and is senior director of Project Zero and co-founder of The Good Project. The author of many books and articles, Howard is best known in education for the theory of multiple intelligences.